how to sell online books in 2022


how to sell online books

Book sales are booming online, especially with the proliferation of eBooks and E-books. However, there are still a few things that need to be considered when you start selling on an eBook platform such as Amazon Prime or iTunes. For this article I will look at how you can make money with your books without charging them upfront for distribution by the publishers.

1. Your readers want their books on their websites.

Your website should have an effective search engine optimized to rank higher on Google for people searching for your book which is great because they end up downloading your eBook from their site and read it in bed or on the couch. A lot of sites don’t offer this option though because it takes away from their organic traffic. It also lets them see who is actually buying your manuscript. If anyone finds out about your sale, then it gives them an idea what the final price could be. Plus, even if your book does not sell well, it shows up in people’s wish lists a long way down the road. So having a compelling web presence for your Kindle ebook library is very valuable.

2. You do not have to pay commission for every sale you do.

The best part about eBooks is that you can choose to only accept payments which means that no commission must ever come to you. In fact, some sellers actually do this with their physical products. This is a major advantage which allows them all the more control over their business. They can go into small print here and there offering discounts to loyal customers. As an added bonus your eBooks are more affordable than conventional paperbacks.

3. Offer special deals to existing customers such as exclusive bundles.

You can even send regular email updates regarding new updates or special offers, so that customers always know where their favorite author is on vacation and how their reading experience is going. When you find yourself overwhelmed with emails, consider sending newsletter updates to existing customers. Once again, these allow you to gain significant sales which can lead to a large profit once you take your customer base to the next level. Even better, if you ever get a good book deal, you can turn them around and offer other discounts for free.

4. Ask questions!

A lot of different vendors are vying for your attention online. Take the time to ask about prices and what the industry standard price for each genre or subgenre is in order to determine whether or not they are right for you. There are plenty of tools available to help find information like Price Spy, Priceline, etc. If anything, you can learn as much as you spend time researching, in other words. Not too many readers purchase books because they love them and they have a place to put them and make money, but they do buy because they feel like there was something unique about them. By asking questions you can determine exactly what they like about your product, how reliable it is with its suppliers, and also find out about any potential negatives. Then you can determine the viability of the business based on their answers as well. All this knowledge can be leveraged to improve your relationship with them. The biggest mistake most people in business make is taking on new projects and building a reputation which is why knowing where your competition sits is important, as well. Don’t just give someone who is sitting at home writing your book a call to action; try to make your audience want something more than a phone call. Learn to market your novel like the stars by being clear and concise.

5. Pay by check, PayPal, Apple Pay, debit card, Google Wallet, Apple Key, Zelle, Visa Card, Mastercard, and others.

If you have a mailing list, then you probably already are familiar with receiving payment via mail or check. These days the options for making money with eBooks are endless as the variety of payment methods increases daily. What happens? Most people prefer using multiple financial services to make purchases online and one of the easiest ways is through credit cards, debit cards, Apple Pay, and Amazon prime. Credit Card companies such as American Express and JCB offer really high interest rates compared to traditional bank accounts.

Credit Cards are easy to use and access with less than a minute per transaction, while Credit Card holders earn cash back rewards or Amazon gift cards which can be redeemed for hundreds or thousands of dollars per year. On the flip side, there are tons of legitimate credit card programs available to reward customers after their first purchase. Some Popular Choice Payment Programs include Citi Credit Card, Chase Credit Card, Virgin Blue Cross Credit Card, Walmart Credit Card, BBVA, Discover Cash, Neteller Credit Card, and T-Mobile Checking Account. The choice of credit card company to choose to invest on is simple to understand. Do your homework and research into your options and learn where they are positioned against the competition. With more and more apps becoming available online, the possibility exists that they will eventually substitute for credit card payment. But these aren’t inevitable. Using cryptocurrency to transact between businesses is another possibility because cryptocurrencies are safer and faster to process than traditional currency. An example is Bitcoin. Here’s what we know is that Bitcoins can be exchanged instantly 24/7, meaning that the recipient doesn’t need to wait in line to receive their Bitcoin when it arrives. Since Bitcoin requires little to no processing power, it allows users to complete transactions without the worry of costly processing fees. It is a highly profitable form of wealth and is usually utilized as a hedge when a stock or bond market drops. Many banks and financial institutions provide Bitcoin ATMs and QR codes to easily store Bitcoins. Some commonly used forms of cryptocurrencies include Ethereum (Ethereum), Dash, XRP & Litecoin. Another interesting phenomenon is Ripple. While Ripple’s primary purpose is to distribute global communications services, there is also a real value proposition to Ripple. Ripple makes software solutions for companies to manage liquidity, payments, and capital.

6. Be consistent.

You want people to be excited to hear from you. Whether they are interested in your book being published or you being featured on television or radio stations. Being consistent is essential to keep your momentum going and your social media channels growing. Showcase your work in front of others and let people know what you're working on. Create an Instagram page just for your publishing business as an additional blog post. Write reviews on publications that give readers your honest opinion and let them share their thoughts. Having a strong portfolio of books on the shelf and a solid marketing plan will create brand awareness and recognition. People want to talk about the quality of your content and they want to support it with word of mouth or affiliate sales. Keeping that momentum rolling isn't necessarily easy but it's worth it.

7. Have fun writing your story and creating art.

Just like you would have fun talking on the topic, having fun writing your stories is also key to keeping you entertained. Write funny, engaging characters, develop relatable characters, explore conflicts, draw your reader into your character, and keep them thinking about what happened. Make your readers laugh or smile for they will appreciate it, so enjoy it. Let your readers connect with your characters by bringing them to the lives you live and relate to them. Add your creativity to your novels and it will add life and emotion into your novels. Engage your fans and followers by doing live stream events. Give some feedback to your readers and write reviews so they can tell you right away if they think your work isn’t up to snuff. Get involved in your fans’ subreddit and follow their updates and discuss your work.

8. The Bottom Line

It’s not always easy to succeed as an independent entrepreneur selling books online. Selling online books is extremely competitive and your rivals might be several times more successful than you are. However, if you stay focused and determined by staying on top of your game, you can accomplish everything your vision requires. Keep a positive attitude, build relationships and friendships with existing customers, and don’t compromise on what you want for yourself or your readers. Stay ahead of the latest trends and innovate by learning from your competitors and constantly adding new features and functions to your business to provide value for your customers and keep them coming back to your business for years to come.

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